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A Message from Kelly Takaya King
After careful contemplation, I am pleased to announce my
candidacy for re-election to the Maui County Council South Maui
District seat! I so appreciate all those who, in the past year, have
urged me to run for office to again take up the advocacy for pono
prosperity that every Mauian deserves.
Maui will always be a special place, rooted in our host culture and
respect for the land. However, as much as the importance of ‘āina
and wai are continually espoused by our politicians, it is not always
followed up with action. Economic interests deny that the
economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment. The
truth is our survival depends on our role as stewards of nature! We
must keep fighting to get out the vote so we can make the changes
needed to honor our commitments to the next generation. I vow
to continue to emphasize climate issues, affordable housing,
environmental protection, and creative policy solutions the Council
can make.
For the next couple of years, the pono rebuilding of Lahaina Town
must be a critical focus. This will require listening to, and
collaborating with, the West Maui community in an open, inclusive
way. At the same time, it is imperative that we support resiliency
actions in all our County districts, and put in place disaster
prevention measures that have already been identified but never
implemented. Proven mitigations are out there, and we need to
develop and build more thoughtfully, utilizing nature-based
solutions and respecting those who came before us
To those who are stepping up as our core campaign team, please
know that your commitment to this campaign is also a
commitment to Maui Nui, and I hope you are proud of the growing
voice of enlightenment you are amplifying.
One of my previous campaign team wrote to me that it was an
honor representing my candidacy and serving our campaign, and I
feel the same – it is always an honor to be called to service and to
have so many great citizens of Maui step up to be part of Team
King. If I could name names without fear of leaving someone out,
I’d acknowledge each and every supporter. For now, my deepest
gratitude to all who have joined our fight for the future, many
thanks to the thousands who vote for the vision, and mahalo to
those who are involved to also help other candidates committed to
a more caring, equitable and transparent county government.
I look forward to diving back into Council matters, with the daily
inspiration of the talent, intelligence and fortitude of all those who
respect and care for Maui Nui!
With love and aloha,
– Kelly Takaya King

@KellyKingforMaui #KellyKingForCouncil
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